Az Élet Emlékműve

The «Monument of Life» (生命の碑, Seimei no Ishibumi?) is a large stone tablet that replaced the «Room of Resurrection» in the official server service of «Sword Art Online» (SAO). The monument was replaced with the Monument of Swordsmen when New Aincrad was released in «ALfheim Online».


The monuments lists the names of all the 10,000 players of SAO. The names of the dead players are automatically crossed out, with the cause, time, day, and month of death written beside it, though the year of death is not recorded. The monument extends 10 meters sideways.


  • The Monument of Life in the anime does not depict the cause of death and the time of death of a player, while it should according to the novel. The Progressive manga's Monument of Life looks nearly identical to the one in the anime.
  • The Monument of Life in the Aincrad manga shows both the player names and the cause of death as it is supposed to. However, the player names displayed on it are in katakana, even though Sword Art Online does not support names written in Japanese characters.
  • As Sword Art Online does not support kanji in player names, it is possible for 2 people to have a name that would be pronounced the same, but would be differently romanized, as was the case with Kains and Caynz. This can be used to fake a person's murder.
  • In the anime, the name Kobatz is omitted on the Monument.

Sword Art Online Wikipedia 2016
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