
Nezha (ネズハ, Nezuha?) is one of the 10,000 players who were trapped in Sword Art Online, working as a blacksmith. He is the first player to ever open a shop in Aincrad since the Official Server Service.

«Nezha's Smith Shop», was merely a small street stall consisting of a Vendor's Carpet which was first located in the town of Urbus on the 2nd Floor, then moved to Taran until Nezha gave up on his career as a blacksmith.


Nezha is short and squat, with a young honest face[1], appearing to be in his teens.[2] He has slightly drooping eyes and plain parted bangs, making him look like a perfectly typical crafter.[2] Kirito described Nezha's voice as young and boyish.[1]

During the 2nd Floor boss battle, Nezha wore a bronze breastplate, gauntlets of the same material, and an open-faced helmet. According to Kirito, his short, stocky build and round, dour face accentuated his image of a beardless dwarf.[3]


Aincrad Arc

Rondo of a Fragile Blade

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Nezha was introduced as a blacksmith with mysteriously poor luck. He seemingly shattered Asuna's Wind Fleuret when trying to enhance it. It was later discovered by Kirito that he steals the weapons given to him for enhancement by using a skill mod «Quick Change» to replace them for end products of the same weapon when the players get distracted. He then triggers the weapon destruction effect by attempting to enhance the end product again. He then sells the stolen weapons to others and uses the money earned to equip his friends, allowing them to battle on the front lines despite their relatively low level.


Sword Art Online

Level 10 - December 11, 2022

Known Equipment

Sword Art Online

Iron Hammer

Unnamed Chakram

  • Given by Kirito


Sword Art Online

  • Inventory Expansion
  • Blade Throwing
  • Martial Arts


  • Nezha's name is based on a deity from Chinese folk religion and a Ming dynasty Chinese fantasy novel, Fengshen Yanyi. The deity's name was pronounced as Ne-zha or Na-ja in Chinese and as Nataku (ナタク, Nataku?) or Nata (ナタ, Nata?) in Japanese.

Sword Art Online Wikipedia 2016
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