SBC Glocken

«SBC Glocken» (SBC グロッケン, SBC Gurokken?) is the starting and capital city for Gun Gale Online.


Glocken is, in reality, a huge spaceship that landed back on planet Earth after a huge war had turned the environment into a huge wasteland. Below the spaceship lies the ruins of an ancient civilization full of automatic machines and mutant creatures where players can hunt for riches and glory. The surroundings have a metallic feel and the buildings seem to pierce the heavens that are connected by mesh-like corridors. There are neon-colored hologram advertisements everywhere with them getting more abundant nearer the ground. The streets are paved by metal plates and the shops look unsafe.


  • SBC stands for Space Battle Cruiser, as the city was originally formed from a spaceship.

Sword Art Online Wikipedia 2016
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